Beverage Warehouse
4935 Mc Connell Ave #21, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 306-2822 FAX (310) 821-4555

Spirits : Whiskey   Product type:  750ml        $14.95 Each     USA Kentucky
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Georgia Moon is clear, and upon twisting off the cap we were hit with the potent tang of sour liquor, followed by the smell of sweet corn. We took our first belts directly out of the Mason jar, as nature intended, and found that the taste was a bit sour too, especially in comparison with the sweetness of bourbon and other American whiskeys. It wasn't unpleasant, however, and we found ourselves swishing it around in our mouths and marveling at the straightforward and simple taste once we got used to it. For a crew used to searching for complexity in our booze, the simplicity of Georgia Moon was, well, intoxicating. That and the fiery 100 proof trail it blazed down our gullets, of course.
Last Updated:2024-03-16 09:39:03