Beverage Warehouse
4935 Mc Connell Ave #21, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 306-2822 FAX (310) 821-4555

Spirits : Whiskey   Product type:  750ml  Bottle          $44.95 Each     USA

The 36th Vote  uses quality ingredients and is made in limited quantities by people who know what they're doing, and who give a damn about the finished product.
After a few months of aging,  the whiskey, vermouth and bitters blend seamlessly to form one harmonious whole; it's virtually impossible to separate the flavors on the palate. The slight oxidation smooths out the harsher bitter tones of the bitters and vermouth, making them rich and tangy, almost chocolatey. And the oak breaks down the rye's alcoholic bite  but fills out the flavor beautifully. It's wonderful chilled, of course, but The 36th Vote is also delicious taken neat, at room temperature.
...From a Huff Post blogger 

Last Updated:2024-01-12 07:21:22