Beverage Warehouse
4935 Mc Connell Ave #21, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 306-2822 FAX (310) 821-4555

Spirits : Single Malt Scotch   Product type:  50ml        $4.95 Each     Scotland
Glenlivet exhibits the delicacy and softness that typifies the region's whiskies. And because it is so perfectly balanced, it almost seems that there's something new to discover every time you drink it. A perfectly rich balance of sweetness, floral fragrance and fruitiness that THE Glenlivet develops through more than 12 years of patient ageing in oak casks. The essential ingredients are pure soft, natural water from Josies well and the finest barley & yeast. But it is this magical combination with the timeless skills of the Master Distiller that makes it so special.


For more details visit:


Glenlivet's website



Last Updated:2024-02-16 10:24:04