Beverage Warehouse
4935 Mc Connell Ave #21, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 306-2822 FAX (310) 821-4555

Spirits : Tequila   Product type:  750ml  Blanco          $44.95 Each   80 pf Mexico

Body:   Characteristic and robust, with great finish and presence in the glass.
Taste:   Smooth and sweet, with fruity essences, predominantly citric, which conveys the maturity of the agave selected; in good taste and pleasing to the taste buds.
Aroma:   Intense and fruity, with strong presence of agave and light hints of peppermint, vanilla, spices and mint.
Color:   Crystalline and transluscent with silver highlights resulting from special distilling.
Last Updated:2022-11-13 13:37:13